Business, Happiness, Lifestyle, Love

Why I Started Beautifully Changed

Hi, my name is Steph and (some would say) I am a Pollyanna.

And I am not recovering. I am full blown loving all of my Pollyanna (extremely optimistic and cheerful) self. I have been cheerful and optimistic my entire life. Even through the hard stuff. I found the good… there was always good to be found.

(I suppose I did take a break from it for a year and it was the most miserable year. I felt terrible. So I decided after my research into being grumpy, mad, and “realistic” that the pollyanna lifestyle is my jam.)

I have been getting asked why I started my own business when I could work for someone else as it would be much easier to do. I agree. It is so easy to get clients and all that jazz when working for a larger company. However, I have a mission to complete, therefore, I had to go out on my own. Knowing it will take a lot of time. Luckily, I have time and patience.

What lead me to start Beautifully Changed?

Violence. Yep, violence, abuse, and hate. They make my heart and insides ache. Tears flood my face when I hear about something or see something cruel. My heart literally hurts.

And I wanted to do something to be part of the solution. I want to end hate. I want to end violence. I want to end abuse. And this cannot be done by focusing on the problem. That will only create more of the problem.

Therefore, we must focus on the solution…. love.

Kindness is everywhere, if you can’t see it, create it.

Love and kindness is my answer to almost any human problem. Where can we put love into action? How would kindness be shown in this situation?

I thought that if I could do something that spreads more love and kindness, that would lift the frequency of the world and reduce the amount of hate and violence that we see.

If people knew that they really are enough, they would love themselves more and that would reflect out into the world. We live in a system. What affects one affects all. Even if it takes a while to see the ripple effects. And I want love to affect us all.

I know what it is to feel deep pain. I don’t want anyone else to breath more life into their experience of emotional pain and make it be their leading story in life. I want them to move through it and it be a part of the story, not the main gig.

I want people to know how loveable they are regardless of how others treat them. And that the choices they have made in the past that they feel ashamed of or embarrassed of, do not define their value. They were the choices they made to reflect their needs at the time. We all have a story.

Though life offers pain, it is not the only thing it offers. There is so much joy to be experienced as well. I want to offer others tools to help them work through their stuff in order to live in the good stuff. So that their automatic response is love and kindness because they truly love themselves.

When we love ourselves that is reflected in all we do. And when we love others, that is also reflected in our actions and our words.

I created Beautifully Changed, to change the world

in the most beautiful way, through love and one person at a time. We can all do our part in big or small ways. They all add up.

Small steps lead to big changes.

So that’s why I am here. To replace hate, violence, and abuse with love, kindness, and self-worth. But I can’t do it alone. I need others to lead with love and kindness as well. And I see these people everywhere. It’s like we are on a team that understands that kindness is a superpower.

I proudly stand on that team. I hope you will too. And if you want to learn some skills and tools to assist you in standing strong and releasing the pain so you can live in the joy, I hope you will find something helpful here.

And heck, if the only world we end up changing is yours, that’s still a win.

We have a limited time in life, doing things that will uplift the world, are worthy of doing. Hugs, Steph

“The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.” ~ Neil Gaiman