Happiness, Love, podcast

Episode 110: Here Is When You’ll Move Past Your Partner’s Sexual Past

You’ll move past your partner’s sexual past the first time you forget to think of her exes when you’re kissing her and laying next to her. After, you’ll notice something was different and it felt better. More comfortable. And then you’ll realize you didn’t think about her past because you were so into her in… Read More Episode 110: Here Is When You’ll Move Past Your Partner’s Sexual Past

Love, Parenting, podcast, Resource, Wellness

Episode 108: Lindsay Funk White, The Journey Of Medulloblastoma

Please give some love to today’s guest, Lindsay Funk White. She comes on and shares her families story of when they’re now 9 year-old daughter, Cydney, was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma at age 7 and where she is now. Lindsay is the mom of three beautiful kiddos and her husband serves our country in the military.… Read More Episode 108: Lindsay Funk White, The Journey Of Medulloblastoma

Affirmations, Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, podcast

Episode 102: Being More Playful & Positive Affirmations

You guys it’s time to tap into your playful side! If someone is giving you a hard time for being playful, that means they need to be more playful! And let’s take back the power from criticism. Who needs that dragging you down? Today’s positive affirmations: I love my life fully and completely in this… Read More Episode 102: Being More Playful & Positive Affirmations

Happiness, Lifestyle, Parenting, podcast

Episode 101: Why It’s So Hard To Let Go Of The Fantasy Parent

When you have a fantasy parent it’s because your actual parent isn’t meeting your needs. And this sucks. No one wants to admit to themselves or anyone else that their parent(s) just aren’t cutting it. Because even if our parents are failing big time, we have a big love for them. Huge. And it never… Read More Episode 101: Why It’s So Hard To Let Go Of The Fantasy Parent