Who said you were not enough?
Who treated you like you are not enough? Made you feel like you are unlovable? Kick those people out of your head (and maybe even out of your life – or add in some MAJOR distance). They were lying to you. They have already taken a piece of you and they cannot take anymore.
Let their words go so you can give life to your soul… to who you really are. You are enough. You always have been. Someone else wanting to make you smaller does not take away your value. You are valuable no matter what table you are sitting at.
If you are questioning your importance… your worth… take a look around you.
Who are you spending your time with? Are your friends really friends or people who are trying to pull you down? Spend time with those who build you up. When you think about them you smile and feel good, not crappy about yourself. Stop spending time with people who feed your self-doubt. Give yourself a break.
Where does your time go? What are you listening to? What shows are you watching? Does this material build you up or tear you down? Remember…. you are always listening.
Life is going to be filled with moments and a variety of emotions.
These moments will bring pleasure, pain, joy, frustration, excitement, and disappointment. Yet, there is always love in every moment. Look for the love. Find the love. It isn’t hiding from you. It’s waiting for you.
Love is more than a feeling. It is an action. A choice. A mindset. How are you making love a part of every day?
What are you spending your time doing?
Does that bring you joy? How can you start adding in what brings you joy? Make sure you are filling your cup. This is your life. Your moment. The only one you get. What are you waiting for? A perfect moment only comes when you shift your mindset to make this moment right here the perfect moment. Otherwise, that perfect moment will never come and you will always wait too long.
Stop letting fear and hope create your moments and your future.
Stop letting your past decide what your future is. We all use our rearview mirror to get where we are going, however, if we keep our eyes locked on that mirror, we eventually crash. We need to be looking forward. Seeing what is around us currently, living in that moment while keeping an eye on our future.
What would happen if you stopped doubting yourself?
If you stopped believing all the garbage others tell you, including yourself? What would happen if you started to believe in yourself? It only takes one person to believe in you to make a difference. Why not be that one person who changes your life? Be your number one fan. Start by just saying one positive statement about yourself hundreds of times a day.
You are enough now.
Truly, YOU have always been enough. Know that you will always be enough. Enough is your middle name. You are lovable. And you are priceless. Believe you are able to achieve what you set your eyes on. Create stories that match those thoughts. Let those thoughts create your present moment… your future.
Push through the hard times, the painful times.
Part of living is feeling. No longer see challenges as negative. You have what it takes to make it through every challenge you encounter. From this moment forward, live your life. Take the risks. Create your story. Everything you need, is already in you. Let it free.