Happiness, Love

Dancing for Self-Care

Let’s talk about self-care for a moment. Many of you might be finding yourself giving your time and effort to others. Bringing smiles to everyone else. Making sure they are taken care of. Though this is great skill to have. Being a giver. It is so important to be giving to yourself. Even if it is for a few moments a day.

Why engage in self-care?

Self-care allows you to be the best version of yourself. It allows you to take time to tap into what your soul needs to thrive. Let’s thrive shall we?

I’d like to suggest you make yourself an amazing play list of all of your favorite songs. Include all the decades. Listening to music has so many benefits. This fantastic article lists some of these goodies.  Thank you music!

Now take that phenomenal playlist and DANCE! Dance for at least 10 minutes.

Dancing is not something to be reserved for clubbing, weddings, or other outings. You can dance your face off in your own home, hair a mess, & wearing anything.

Benefits of Dancing

  1. Enhanced Memory – that’s right. Researched has linked dancing to boost memory and maintaining memory health as you age (The New England Journal of Medicine)! Let’s boogie shall we?!
  2. Improve flexibility – and this makes for happy joints.
  3. Move over stress – dancing elevates endorphin levels and is an outlet for stress.
  4.  More positive mindset – who can be grumpy when dancing? If the grumps come… wiggle them out.
  5. Decreased depression – thank moving around to music for those elevated endorphins again.
  6. Improved heart health – dancing gets the heart beating….
  7. Released weight – movement is so important for those wanting to reach their body goals…. dancing is a fun way to get your body moving. Trying new dances could inspire more movement. Look out world… time to get our groove on.
  8. Improved balance – hello you wonderful core muscles you. Dancing puts those stabilizer muscles to work!
  9. Increased energy – no Red bull needed here… just my dancing shoes please.

Dance parties happen often at my place. Almost daily. They make such a difference in my families day. It is an incredible way for us to bond, be playful, and let in the joy. My boys don’t always want to get their jiggy on though. I will dance anyway. I invite you to start your own daily dance party… it can be a dance party for one or as many as you’d like. Play. Have fun. Smile. Move. Dance.


What is one of your favorite songs to dance to?


2 thoughts on “Dancing for Self-Care

  1. Amazing advise! We danced more when my son was younger, but since I went back to work full time I had forgotten we would dance several times a day! This article reminded me! I am going to have a dance part Tonight, even if it’s just one song 🙂

    1. Thank you for sharing! Dancing really is such a treat for our mind, body, and soul. One song can make a big difference in the day! I hope your dance party brought smiles and joy 🙂

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