Guest Post, Happiness, Love

Bumble BFF Wants To Be Your Best Friend

If you’ve just moved to an urban area and left your college or hometown friends behind, you need a way to invite new people into your world. However, making friends isn’t as easy as it used to be. Throughout elementary school, high school and college, it probably seemed that friendships formed naturally for you. Now that you’re an adult, it isn’t so easy to walk up to a woman you’ve never met and ask if she would like to be friends.

Bumble BFF, online friend site

The Friendship App: Like Dating but Less Messy

In a lot of ways, dating is easier than making friends. It’s assumed that almost all single folks are at least somewhat interested in finding a romantic partner, but not everyone has an open seat at the table for a new best friend. That’s why Whitney Wolfe, founder of the dating app Bumble, decided to expand the app to include options for those seeking platonic friendships.

After you turn on the new BFF feature in the Bumble app, you will be shown women that are seeking friendship, instead of potential dating partners. You’ll swipe right or left based on how interested you are in being friends with those women, and then you’ll have 24 hours to start a conversation. Color-coded messenger bars help differentiate between friends and romantic interests.

bumble BFF Match
Now you can swipe for friends!

The Importance of Platonic Friendship: Three Reasons Bumble BFF Rocks

  1. Late Marriages Mean Less Support

People need support. That’s a fact. Some highly independent types might require less support and interaction than others, but even the strongest lone wolf could use a visit from a friendly face now and then. Statistics show that American women are waiting much longer to get married, and some are not marrying at all. This means that maintaining a strong social circle is more important than ever.

  1. Being an Involved Wife Also Requires Outside Support

It’s also possible that you are married, and since most of your time and energy goes toward your husband and children, you haven’t had a lot of time to make female friends. If you had to relocate your family for work, you could find yourself in an area where your husband is the only person you have to spend time with. Bumble BFF could help you connect with other moms or even single women you have other things in common with.

  1. You Can Meet Friends with Shared Interests

If you’re active in the bar scene, you likely already have a variety of social connections. While you still might want to use the app to find friendships based on deeper compatibility, Bumble BFF is ideal for those who struggle with having interests that aren’t necessarily social. For example, if your main interest is hiking, you might have noticed that striking up a friendship with people you happen to cross paths with on the trail isn’t the easiest thing.

The same goes for introverts, those who don’t drink or anyone who has hobbies and interests that stray from the mainstream. The neat thing about living in an urban area is that there will be people who share almost any interest. You just haven’t had a way to find them before now. Through browsing profiles on Bumble BFF, you’ll be able to find someone else who wants to take on that 10-mile hike or attend that Korean film festival.

To get started with Bumble BFF, simply download the app and set it to BFF mode. You’ll still need to create a profile that can be seen by all potential friends and love interests, but if you aren’t interested in dating, you can simply keep the app in BFF mode all the time. Before you know it, you’ll be meeting a new friend for lunch and feeling grateful you decided to take a chance on a different kind of love.

For more information on Bumble BFF, check out their website or connect on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

This sponsored guest post is written by Amanda Moore. Thank you so much for sharing helpful information about this incredible app. What a great idea!