Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, Wellness

You Weren’t Made To Be Broken

Do you remember that moment when you stopped believing in yourself? When the weight of all your doubt set in and pulled out all the hope and you slid to the ground? Hands up and ready to give in and call it quits?

Cue the broken record. Who are you to do this anyway? What makes you think you can be as good as them? No one wants to hear what you have to say. Your story doesn’t matter in a field of brokenhearted stories.

How quickly this broken record can be cued. And the battle within begins. And what a brutal battle it is. One side wants no survivors and the other just wants to live.

You have a broken record and a hype record.

The hype record is the one you play when you do believe in yourself. When you take the risks, when you push yourself and begin to tiptoe or sprint to your goal. The one you must play louder as you approach your goal. Or a stone thrown from a glass house can cue the broken record.

Realize this, the record you play the most will have the greater influence on your life.

See you had to believe in yourself at one point in order to stop believing in yourself. You had to have steam to have had it be used up. How are you fueling your fire?

Start today by changing your record. Keep your hype record playing and throw out the broken one that tries to continuously break you.

Because YOU weren’t made to be broken. YOU were made to LIVE.

Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph