Business, Happiness, Lifestyle, Money

You Need To Know MrBeast

Thinking about traveling while doing random acts of kindness

keeps me up at night. I get lost in the daydreaming about the amazing things I would do to make the world better one person at a time, one kindness at a time. Even thinking about a team of talented friends I would put together as well so that I could share the stories for all to feel all warm and fuzzy about.

I love daydreaming. And visualizing what could be. I also love being generous any chance I can get.

I want to introduce you to a remarkable guy, MrBeast.

Remember back when Keoni and I were doing Project Love? I loved that project. It made a difference in our lives and those we did kind things for. We even made it a non-profit.

We did have a few donors that contributed to the cause alongside us. It was magical. However, we didn’t execute very well. We got too excited and rushed to do kind things instead of planning more, which included finding the right platform to showcase our project and getting others on board.

If I was to do it all again, I would definitely do it with a similar style to MrBeast. What an amazing difference he is making. And he is smart about who he gives to, how he gives and he knew to make YouTube videos to show what he was/is up to. And again, he is making the world a better place.

The thing he figured out was to get businesses to sponsor the videos, therefore, he gets large amounts of money to give out to others. It’s pretty genius. Everyone wins.

I highly recommend checking out his YouTube videos. He is beyond generous and entertaining. He is extremely creative in how he helps and entertains at the same time.

He even includes his friends and viewers in his lifestlye. It’s really incredible to know that his is using his time and energy to truly uplift others.

When you need a smile or to be reminded of the goodness in the world, check out MrBeast.

Look at what he did this year. Incredible.