
You Are Worthy of Love

One of my YouTube subscribers was sharing how she’d really like to feel worthy of love in an email she wrote me. She has battled with this her entire life.

I know so many can relate. My younger self knows this feeling as well.

Our own love is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

I don’t believe that we need to love ourselves in order to love others.

I believe we need to love ourselves in order to believe that others can love us too.

To be able to receive the love offered to us, we need to believe we are worthy of it and we don’t have to earn it by being perfect enough or sacrificing ourselves.

People can love us even when we are imperfect, messy, growing, and discovering who we are. People can love us just because we exist and they enjoy being in our company.

So I made this meditation to remind you that you are worthy of love. You are worthy of all the different kinds of love that this life has to offer you.

Practice receiving love. And really double down on your own self-love. That’s when life really gets good.

Enjoy this meditation.

Endless Love, Steph