Books I love, Happiness, Lifestyle, Love

What I Got From Judgment Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein

Rumi said,

The wound is the place where the light enters you.


I read Judgment Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein, however, I did not use her workbook to go with it. Just a notebook and my highlighter.

I first heard of Gabrielle on a Super Soul Session of Oprah’s. (I am obsessed with those sessions.) I really enjoyed her speech, went to her website, followed her on her social media, and now voted for her continued work by purchasing her book.

And this is what I got from Judgment Detox.

I decided I would share my thoughts and heart as I read this book. Here goes.

The introduction was as if my soul was speaking to myself. My thoughts are similar to what the pages were telling me. And my fingers continued to turn the pages while my eyes eagerly absorbed the message. Spirituality speaks to me.

Our true nature is love.

I know this. Deep inside, deeper than my bones, all the way to my soul, I know that we are love and designed to love. Including loving ourselves, fully and deeply. And somehow this all got messed up.

Work starts right away. Identifying judgments of self and others and where they come from.  I find I most judge myself when it comes to being a mom, especially when I am not as patient as I know I could have been if I had just taken that deep breath.

And then healing begins

I love that Gabrielle brings in EFT (tapping) as a way to assist in healing from emotional injuries. It is such a fantastic tool that we all have access to anywhere and anytime. Tapping is going to help release judgments of myself and others. Gabrielle says,

Remember, the reason you judge is because you’re avoiding an emotion that you don’t want to feel.

She has an awesome script to follow around judgment while tapping. To be honest, I started with letting go of judging my mom. As I went through the negative rounds, I felt tears filling my eyes. And I realized, it is true, I judge her to protect me from feeling emotional pain. Of the shame of not being someone she really wants to invest in, to feel her love. Yes, there are moments, but I’ve always wanted more.

Tapping (EFT) has a sequence of points, starting with the hand karate chop point, then eyebrows, side of the eye, under the eye, under nose, chin, collarbone, underarm, top of the head

This was a fantastic exercise. And I will be keeping it nearby as I continue my judgment detox with all those who entire my life. She even has a script on tapping when you are feeling judged. Fantastic!! It’s made me an even bigger fan of tapping.

I’m always about finding ways to be more loving. If the next step in my journey is to let go of judgment so I can love harder… count me in!!!

“See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

Yes!! I believe we are all innately good. And sometimes life brings out our dark side. The side that lashes out and is lead by fear. We get to decide if we focus in on the light or the dark.

I have always thought of it as a gift of mine to zoom in on the light. I see your light, even when you can’t. I feel your light, it warms me when I am near you. Your light is real and it cannot hide from me. I see it. I see you. And you are full of light.

To be 100% honest. There are few people I have had to work to see more of their light because of the hurt I experienced from their actions or the hurt they have given to the world or to others I love. However, I do believe there is light in all of us. Some just shine brighter. And we can create more light when we release the fear. I do know that if I look, I can find the light.

Finding the light doesn’t mean that I have to pretend the dark isn’t present. It means that I can choose to act from love when engaged with that person. It also doesn’t mean that person has to be a part of my life or a huge part of my life. Distance still allows love to be present. We must also take care of our own light, thus, surrounding ourself with people who continue to fuel our light instead of burning it out.


Meditation is such a phenomenal tool that is so simple to use. And we all have access to it. Gabby even provides six mediations to do around releasing that attachment to judgment and provide space to heal. How fantastic is that?!

Often times, we make meditation harder than it is and expect ourselves to be amazing at it the very first time we do it. Is that typical for you? To be amazing the first time you do something? If so, that is rare. Most people need to practice things, especially new behaviors or activities. Meditation is a practice and each time you practice meditation, it will be a different experience. Keep at it. Be patient with yourself and see how your practice expands your life, mind, body, and soul.

The meditations provided in this book are pretty fantastic. And they build upon each other. So many high fives and love vibes over that.

On to Forgiveness

Of course, forgiveness would be mentioned in this book. And it is a huge component of releasing judgment. We judge to protect ourselves. I am guilty of this myself. Finding myself judging those who have hurt me in order to keep an invisible wall of protection around me, that really just hurts me more. (because I’m walling myself into isolation).

I also love that the author also believes that we can forgive and not have someone in our life. Forgiveness is not saying a behavior was okay, it is freeing yourself from the yuck that comes with not-forgiving. Forgiveness is incredibly powerful and healing. I recommend everyone give it a spin.

Remembering that forgiveness is also a practice.

Gabby writes, “forgiving eyes see only light.” You cannot judge and forgive at the same time. You either choose fear or love. And that will set you free or imprison yourself.

When forgiveness is gifted, we make the world a better place. What an incredible habit to create.

She then goes on to share how to apply these steps of keeping judgment out of your life.

Detoxing from judgment is the new lifestyle we are offering ourselves when we read and do the activities in this book. Keep it handy and use the exercises as often as you need, and release any judgment from returning with the exercises.

And embrace the happy and miracles that surround you.

See the light.


You can purchase a copy of Judgment Detox: Release the Beliefs That Hold You Back from Living A Better Life.  Enjoy your detox journey. Share your favorite takeaways in the comments.