Books I love, Happiness, Lifestyle, Money, Parenting, Review of Wellness & Personal Development Items

Tools of Titans Book Review

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss, book review by yours truly.

Tim Ferriss came into my life through Keoni. He is a fan of Tim’s and buys all of his books and listens to his podcast. Because I am a lover of reading and gathering information, I found myself reading his books. Starting with the Four Hour Work Week and then The Four Hour Body. So when Keoni brought home Tools of Titans, it was only natural that I would dive in.

I have only listened to one episode of his podcast and that was one that I just had to listen to as I was reading the book. However, after reading this book, I will definitely be listening to a few more episodes.

Tim’s personality and giving of info and resources are pretty powerful. He shares what helps and that we can actually use so that we can start taking action today! Love it!!

Let’s start by going over what I didn’t like about this book.

  • Nothing
  • If I had to pick something, it would be I would have liked more length to some of the people in the book, however, I can just go and listen to the podcast. Win.

The Fun of the book:

  • This book has a theme of healthy, wealthy and wise – the tripod that allows us to balance life.
    • I was a huge fan of the healthy and wise. Found people I hadn’t heard of before.
  • The book is designed to pick it up and read any part of the book. There is no order to go in. You can read what you want to and skip what you don’t. It isn’t meant to be read cover to cover.
    • Though, I decided to read the book cover to cover. It’s my style. I didn’t want to miss a single page. Wanting to gather all the information I can. I even color coded my bookmarks. And there are many bookmarks.
  • I was able to start applying some of the tips right away.
    • Saving up for a chilipad for my guys. Anyone try one of these? It sounds phenomenal.
  • Introductions to new people that are doing incredible things and/or have incredible stories that I now have as inspiration. Whitney Cummings was one who surprised me. She talked about how she will often say, “I love you” to herself before interacting with someone and it has made a huge difference in her interactions with others.
    • I am definitely adding this to my toolbox. It will take some time to make this a habit.
  • After reading the book, I definitely want to get more information on some of the people so I will be listening to the podcast episodes.
  • Almost every page has a useful tip.
  • My five-year-old also loved hearing me read this book to him. We would read it during his snack time and before bed.
  • And it ends with a book list. Hello, my love!!

Some of my big takeaways:

  • I felt urged to be completely free and enjoy my life. To not worry so much about what others think of what I am doing (because no one cares) and if it speaks to me and I am feeling fulfilled than that is what matters.
  • The right information said the way that resonates with you just may be what you need to shift your perspective into aligning yourself with your best life.
  • Gratitude is one of the main ingredients to add to life.
  • Meditation in some form is also key.

“You must want to be a butterfly so badly, you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” ~ Sekou Andrews


So many bookmarks… so much great info!!

I enjoyed every bit of this book. It was very warm and cozy to read. It lifted me up and I am pretty sure it will do the same for you.

This will definitely be a book I will be gifting. I think every person can get at least one thing out of this book.

If you know someone who is in need of this book, share this post with them. Or go and get them the book.

Enjoy your life. Every piece of it. Every decade. Every awkward stage.

Love and hugs,
