Lifestyle, video, Wellness

Sweetened Hemp Seed Milk DIY Style

For those who are intimidated to make your own nut milk at home, it’s really easy. Let me show you how easy.

This is such an easy and healthy way to make yourself some milk for the week or as needed.

Here is what you’ll need:

* 6 cups of water
* 1.5 cups of hemp seeds
* 6 pitted dates (optional) (you can also use maple syrup if you prefer)
You can even add in vanilla extract or cacao powder if you want chocolate milk.
Then blend these babies for around 5 minutes or to your liking.
You can strain them through a nut milk bag or just pour into a jar as is. I pour into a jar as is.

I LOVE some hemp seeds. Did you know that hemp seeds:

  • are a complete protein?!
  • And they have omega-3 fatty acids
  • some fiber (fiber is your friend)
  • vitamin E
  • magnesium
  • phosphorous
  • potassium
  • iron
  • zinc
  • B vitamins
  • including niacin
  • riboflavin
  • thiamine
  • B-6
  • folate
  • They’re great for your brain and heart.
  • They even help reduce inflammation and are great for your skin.

So give it a try. Your blender likes to have a job, so give it this easy one to help you stay healthy.

Sending love and positivity your way, Steph