Happiness, video, Wellness

Suicide Isn’t The Comfort You Seek

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death.

This means you have likely known someone who attempted or completed suicide.

Yesterday was national mental health day. Mental health struggles are not a rare thing these days. Yet they are real struggles.

You can get through them. I know that you are in so much pain, maybe you feel like you have nothing, that you are nobody, that you are worthless.

And this can make suicide look like an option. Please hear me when I tell you that suicide is not the comfort you seek.

I know you are in pain. I believe that you are in deep pain. And I know deep in my bones that you make a difference in the world, even if you can’t see it right now. That doesn’t take away the truth that you are priceless and your life is worth living.

That your suffering is not for nothing. There is meaning in there somewhere. And the suffering can’t last forever and I know it feels like it’s been forever. You can and will get through this.

You matter. The world needs you.

When you feel like dying or killing yourself, will yourself to live. You are not alone.

Reach out to someone. Talk to someone about how you are feeling.

Find a way to do something for someone else or a project that inspires you. Force yourself to connect with someone.

Put this number in your phone right now just in case you ever need it for yourself or someone else.

National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text Hello to 741741

If you are worried that someone is suicidal:

  • Ask them flat out if they want to kill themselves
  • Listen and be there for them
  • Help them connect with someone who can guide them through their emotions such as a suicide line or crisis line
  • Check in on them

We can make it through this together.

This video is from one of my favorite YouTubers. The message is great. We all die, no need to rush it. Wait for the next wave to come. Make it through this.

I’m here for you. Mental health issues are only a piece of your life puzzle, they are not the entire puzzle.

Sending you love, Steph

Remember to subscribe and follow me on Instagram @beautifullychanged. I need people like you to co-create a more compassionate world with me. Our work is just beginning.