Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, podcast

Episode 158: Should Your Man Be Allowed To Go To Strip Clubs?

** link to listen is at the bottom of the page

You’re in a relationship and your man wants to go to a strip club… what do you do?

Keoni and I discuss our perspective.


  • Communicate, communicate, communicate – no secrets!
  • Have a strong emotional bank account
  • Set guidelines that help everyone feel comfortable
  • Go together
  • Ultimatums are never recommended…. especially if you’re not actually going to follow through with it if they do the thing you don’t want them to do
  • Create a solid and healthy relationship with a foundation of trust

Oops! I forgot to mention in the podcast, but I did a poll on Instagram and 60% of people agreed that it’s okay for the guy to go to a strip club even if in a relationship.

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Sending so much love to you, Steph

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Sending so much love to you!

Happy loving, Steph