Books I love, Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

Review of Thriving After Diagnosis: Instead of Merely Surviving

Being diagnosed with an illness feels overwhelming and at times even hopeless.

And that sucks. It sucks when you know something is wrong and it takes time for the doctors to provide you with the must looked for, yet dreaded news of what is going on. It can be a time of emotional pain, yet a time of answers. And once you have some sort of answer, you can pick your path. Thrive, survive or some even decide to give up.

In Thriving After Diagnosis: Instead of Merely Surviving,  Reine takes us through her journey of healing herself from Lyme disease.

Afraid that “today would be the day my body gave up on me for good. But I kept moving forward with baby steps of progress.”

Letting is us know that there is hope and that the healing may be simpler than we think. Reminder: simple does not mean easy. To me, it is reassurance that there aren’t as many steps as there could be and I don’t have to make it harder than it is.

You will find tips sprinkled throughout this easy and fast read.

Not only does Reine share her story, she also provides helpful tips that create a thriving atmosphere. The topics include inflammatory foods, your environments, even the relationships around you and how they all influence your healing process. She also goes into lifestyle choices that can really up your healing game if you add them to your life.

“Make sure you’re putting healthy things into your body so that your body may be healthy.”

She gets the importance of starting small in the changes that most likely need to be made. Baby steps still get you headed in the healthiest direction. And the healthiest lifestyle just may provide the perfect balance for healing to take place.

I really love what Reine says about having a positive mindset. You all know I am constantly going on about how important it is to have a positive mindset and the things we say to ourself… so you know I loved that part of her book.

“It’s about giving yourself the opportunity to believe in yourself, to believe in life, and believe in something more than what meets the eye.”

She goes on to discuss that it is so important to create the habit and then the belief comes next. So it’s 100% okay if you aren’t buying into your positive statements at first. You are focusing on creating a habit. There you go, that relieves some pressure now, doesn’t it?! Want to relief even more? Great! You can start with one positive statement and add on as you go. Cheers to that mate!

I really appreciate that Reine includes actions that people can easily incorporate into their lives.

My Overall Impression

This is an easy read and lots of helpful tips in this book. Reine tells her story and references a couple of other people as well. I got the impression she doesn’t want anyone to feel like they are alone or that they have nowhere to go after receiving a health diagnosis that changes their life. She wants you to know there are different paths you can take.

It’s up to you to find the one that speaks to your heart the most. And then follow that path regardless of what others in your life have to say about it. Listen to their input and then make the decision that works best for you.

The theme I took away from the book is that we can take control of our health by our choices and how we treat our mind, body, and soul.

I love that. This book would be for those who do want to thrive. Who are ready and willing to take action for their life and health. Or for a caregiver of someone else who is struggling with a health issue. Come with an open mind.





Sample was provided for review. Opinions are my own.