Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, podcast

Episode 107: Relationship Spring Cleaning

It’s time for spring cleaning, but forget the base boards! I’m talking about cleaning up those cob webs in your relationship.

The sunshine on your skin is feeling good these days after a long winter. You are seeing new life all around you and this stirs up an urge in you to give new life to the things around you.

This year, instead of putting all of your spring energy towards your wardrobe and home, what if you put a big blast of it into your relationship so it’s refreshed before summer hits.

This is what I’ve got in mind:


Okay. What have you been hanging onto that is filling you up with a bit of resentment or frustration every time you think about it? Maybe it even brings lots of sadness with it.

And you find yourself pulling away from your significant other instead of moving towards them.

This is not your relationship goal. I know it to my bones that you want a crazy happy relationship. And withholding forgiveness, isn’t going to get you there.

I’m encouraging, asking even, for you to tap into your forgiveness muscle so that you can breath freer in your relationship. Resentment is like black mold to a relationship so let’s bleach it away with some forgiveness.

Have Fun

Make time to play and laugh together. This can help clean out any grumps that they day may bring and prevent you from taking things out on each other.

Plus the happiest couples have a strong foundation in friendship. Continue to build your friendship even when life is busy. Fun can happen almost anytime and almost anywhere.

Don’t over look it’s importance in brightening up your relationship withe some good all goofing around.


Now start to sprinkle in kindness. Every. Single. Day. Find out the top 5 to 10 things that fill your partner with knowing that they’re loved by you. And start doing them. It’s a must. And it’s way more fun then dusting.

Also, come up with your own list of 10 things that you do that bring you the most joy. Whether it’s going for a walk outside, listening to your favorite playlist, meditating, playing with your dog, baking… whatever is on you list, make sure you do a couple of those things. Every. Single. Day. Because, babe, your worth an extraordinary life. So do the things that build you up emotionally, mentally, and physically. It’s an amazing way to be kind to yourself.


Gratitude is the sunshine to your relationship. It’s also like the hired help that comes in and cleans everything while your out playing and you come home to a sparkling home and can just put your feet up. Oh, that feels good.(At least that’s what I think hiring someone to clean would be like.)

This is daily hygiene for your relationship. Spend time appreciating your love face and what it is about them that you’re really thankful for. Tell them something and you can also do it in your head.

Heck every time you brush your teeth, combine it with gratitude for your love buns. And feel it start to dissolve that relationship plaque that’s got something smelling a bit funny.

Focus on their goods. What is it about them that delights you? And what annoys you but makes a lot of sense why they do that? Include the challenges as well because they’re doing behind the scense work for your relationship. Be grateful for that too.

Seriously, gratitude is the power washer of your relationship grim so that you can have the most joy you can possibly have in your relationship. And I want that for you. I want you to have that ridiculously happy relationship.

If you can’t find something to be grateful for in your relationship, what are you doing in it?

This is some of the best spring cleaning you’ll do this year that will actually give you love back. So enjoy the hard and rewarding work of elevating your relationship.

I encourage you to enjoy your relationship. Sending love and positivity your way, Steph

Remember to share this episode with the couples you’d like to see sparkle a bit brighter this year. <3