hypnosis, Lifestyle, podcast

Episode 38: Pennies

This Supreme Court Justice situation is triggering so many people. Triggering survivor stories. Triggering political anger.

I wish more conversations were happening instead of lashing out. This is such a great opportunity for deeper understanding. I hope a few of us aren’t letting it slip through our fingers.

I just want to say, that if you are a sexual assault survivor, if you are a trauma survivor and you are reading the comments about having to act a certain way in order for your story to be real, let that go. Your story is real. We all handle grief and trauma differently.

There are no rules you have to follow in order to be a #realsurvivor

(I know the cruel comments are coming from both sides. However, I have only seen the ones against people saying they believe Dr. Ford.)

On a lighter note, I am reading Ecubed and loving it.

There is a fun experiment where you give out money, then look for pennies and when you find one celebrate inside as if you just won the lottery. We are finding pennies everywhere. It’s really fun.

Have a gorgeous day, stay true to you and your beautiful soul.

So much love sent to you, Steph

2 thoughts on “Episode 38: Pennies

    1. Thank you, Love! And that you for reading and engaging on my blog <3 I super appreciate it and appreciate you and your thoughts! I do think conversations is one of the missing pieces. The moment we think we know everything.... we are missing out.

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