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My Mirror Work Guidebook For Women Is Here!!

Hi, Love Bugs!! I’m super duper excited to share with you the mirror work guidebook I created for women to enhance their self-love and confidence!!

I have been really tapping into what would feel really good to create or do as I continue down my career path and I then it hit me, to create this guidebook.

I’ve been assigning mirror work to my clients for years and have witnessed the powerful transformations that come with it. Especially when combined with the mindset work we do together.

Mirror work was something I used in my own transformation as well. I’m a ginormous fan of it and believe in it so much.

So without further ado, here is Love Activator: 90 Days of Mirror Work to Increase Self-Love & Confidence and I hope you love the bananas out of it.

I also have a free 12-week challenge for increasing self-love that is also available to you.

Sending you endless love, Steph