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Episode 190: Embrace Who You Are and Your Brand with Kaye Putnam

Today’s guest is Kaye Putnam. I’m a huge fan of hers. Seriously, I actually take her branding courses and they have helped me so much with my brand and understanding myself. Plus, I made an awesome friend in one of the courses as my accountability buddy. (cheer for awesome connections)

And, I just found out Kaye has added NLP and hypnosis to her mindset tools to assist her clients, so you know I’m an even BIGGER fan now. haha. I love mindset work.

So who is Kaye?

Kaye Putnam is a psychology-driven brand strategist for entrepreneurs.

Through work with hundreds of clients from global brands to solo business owners, she developed The Clarity Code. She believes in pursuing audacious dreams and that there is genius that lives inside every entrepreneur. When you have a clear brand, your clients love, respect, and are willing to pay premium prices for your work. It gives you the clarity and confidence to scale your impact and income.

She works with students in her programs and with clients 1-on-1. When she’s not transforming brands, she’s exploring the world with her husband and two little ones.

Kaye loves to use brand archetypes. And you can take the quiz here to find out yours.

Find Kaye on…

 Facebook |  PinterestInstagram | website

Check out Clarity Week here.

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Sending so much love to you, Steph

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