Business, Happiness, Lifestyle, podcast, Resource, Wellness

Episode 105: Ivan Barrera

Today, I’ve invited Ivan Barrera as my guest. He is the owner of Faster Fitness, loves to spread positivity, he is a speaker, and he assists people in transforming their lives through health and fitness. I think you’ll enjoy what he has to say.

Ivan specialize in inspiring and empowering individuals to become better versions of themselves through health and fitness.

His passion for coaching others comes from his own history of setbacks, self-improvement, and transformation. How does one go from what most people would call an “Embarrassing Failure” to an Unexpected Success?

In 2012, he dropped out of college with a crazy dream of opening up his own business, a fitness studio. People questioned him, didn’t believe in him and said he would fail. And hey, he don’t blame them. Many times he wanted to quit too.

In 2013, his wild dream became a reality, but even when he opened up he still thought about quitting and constantly questioned what he was doing when he noticed he only had $100 left in his bank account.

But he didn’t quit.

Flash forward to today, he has built a dream business that is highly profitable, and help not only fitness business owners but other small businesses avoid any mistakes or failures he has made through; business coaching, marketing strategies, vision exercises and 1 on 1 consulting

So take a listen and leave your feedback! You can find Ivan on Facebook Instagram @thetransformationexpert and Steph @beautifullychanged

Have an awesome day!

Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph