Happiness, Lifestyle, Travel, Wellness

How To Prevent Regret

The To-Wait List

Let me guess, you have a big to-do list for when ___________ happens. The fill in the blank might be: once I lose weight, earn so much money, retire, meet the one, graduate, move, or are more independent. I mean really, people put all sorts of things in that blank. What are you putting in the blank?

I am here to invite you to stop waiting and start acting now. Today. What will happen when you lose the weight? Will you really go do all of those things that you haven’t done thus far? What if you made all those items on your to-do list part of the process of losing weight?

Will you really be more generous all of the sudden when you are making a little or lot more money a year? Will all of your wants suddenly disappear? Or will your wants evolve with you?

My point is if you aren’t doing some of the items on your to-do list now, who says you will be the type of person who does your to-do list items a few years from now? What personal growth have you been working on to ensure that you will eventually get to your to-do list?

The Wish-I-Had-Done List

The wish-I-had-done list is not the one you want as you go through life. We’ve all heard that regret is the worst thing to take into the future with us… yet we do it anyway. And then haunt ourselves with the “what-ifs.” No fun. And I like fun.

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. ~ Sydney J. Harris

If you want to start dancing, start dancing now. No need to wait until the scale says a certain number. You can build your way through the progress and continue to challenge yourself as you go.

Traveling is something you dream about, but think it’s not for you because you don’t have enough money. Start small. Go on adventures around your home. Explore new places next to you. Find a way to budget little adventures into your life. There is an entire world of vagabonding and budget travel out there. Start small and you can start now.

Whatever it is, start small. Include it in your life now.

You’ve got this. If you wait for the perfect time, the perfect moment, the perfect situation… you may just end up never doing anything that you want to do. Life will be gone. Baby steps still count if you can find the gratitude in them.

Grab your to-do list, bucket list, wish list and go get started. Regret is so close to knocking.

I believe in you. I want you to experience so much joy in this life that you inspire others to tap into joy as well. Go create your joy.

Love to you! Steph