Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, podcast

Episode 55: For The Love Of Your Relationship… Help With The Chores!!ย 

For the love of your relationship… help with the chores!!

Pssst… hey guys… come here! Want to know how to reduce the drama and stress in your relationship? ๐Ÿ’•

It’s simple! One thing to start to help build up your relationship is if you willingly help around the house. ๐Ÿ’•

I’m not going to sugar coat this, when your lady married your fine butt, she didn’t sign up to be your maid. As lovely as a fantasy as that is…. she doesn’t want to clean up after you all of the time. ๐Ÿ’•

Remember that scene from the Breakup when Jennifer Aniston’s character says, “I want you to want to do the dishes!” That’s real. ๐Ÿ’•

One of the biggest complaints women share with me is that their partner doesn’t help them around the house. And they are genuinely frustrated about this. We live in a different generation. This ain’t the 50’s. And I’m sorry if you were born in the wrong generation… but seriously, you’ll be okay. ๐Ÿ’•

So do your part WITHOUT being asked. Pick up after your fine ass and do some chores. You just may see some relief starting to build in your relationship.

You’ve got this. Take 10 minutes a day to pick up a bit… especially if you just start with picking up after yourself. ๐Ÿ’•
Sparks can be created by doing dishes. ๐Ÿ˜

Ladies…Stop Correcting Him When He Is Doing A Chore!!

I know, this one can be tough. Good thing is, you can do the tough stuff. You do it all the time. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Unless he has never done the chore/task and actually doesnโ€™t know how to do it, just say โ€œthank you for ______!โ€ And leave out how he could have done it so much better. ๐Ÿ˜˜

With less correction on his way of doing things… it provides a positive feedback loop and perhaps, he will continue his willingness to help with a smile instead of a sigh.

Remember, you are also modeling to your kiddos the dynamics and possible roles in a relationship.

When kids see both parents helping with household duties, they learn another possibility for when they are in a committed relationship and their own expectations shift.

So help out your child’s future relationship by modeling to them now… that both adults contribute to the care of the house.ย  They are also watching how you respond to each other before, during, and after completing chores.

So lay on that appreciation and relax the eye rolling.


Check out Olivia Jackson’s Instagram feed: @olivia_stunts


Remember to download and share today’s episode! Thank you!


Sending you so much love and energy for chores and biting your tongue, Steph

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