hypnosis, Lifestyle, video, Wellness

Heal Your Body Hypnosis

My mom had a pretty intense surgery a few weeks ago and since I couldn’t be there in person, I thought I’d make her a recording to assist in her healing process if she wanted to listen. Better to have it available than not at all.

I was thinking I’d share it with you, just in case you have an injury of some sort or are healing from something. Let this be a little boost in your healing process.

You’re welcome to listen to it any time of the day. It can be pretty relaxing though, so you might want to listen as you’re all snuggled in bed for the night. You’ll find the rhythm of what time of day works best for you.

Listening daily is fantastic as well, or whenever you feel like you’d like to. It’s designed to assist your healing process so it’s completely flexible.
