Business, Happiness, Lifestyle, podcast, Wellness

Episode 70: Gina Cholick

Hey Beautiful Soul,

Today, my sweet and incredibly awesome friend, Gina, is joining me today to share about her creative process, photography, and life.

Gina Cholick is a Los Angeles based fine art photographer. Her work is driven by light and explores themes of identity, isolation, and longing. She combines self-portraits and landscapes to evoke a sense of mystery.

Gina’s fascination with photography began when taking a summer class as a child in South Dakota. She was instantly hooked by the magic of the darkroom and the sense of adventure and connection to nature she found through her camera. She received a BA at Montana State University School of Film and Photography. She then began her career working as a lighting tech and producer in Seattle. Currently, she lives in Los Angeles and works as a fine art and commercial photographer.

Her work is exhibited across the US in galleries such as the Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, The Los Angeles Center of Photography and the San Diego Art Institute. She was a finalist for Critical Mass in 2017.

Her website:

Social media: @photogina

I love how she talks about redefining productivity, do something daily, and her gratitude for the gift of photography in her life.

She’s good stuff.

The podcast she references Big Magic – Magic Lessons. The books: Art & Fear by David Bayles and The Artist Way by Julia Cameron.

The community and accountablilty group she mentioned and where she presented her work on stage: Art of Freelance

Have a fantastic day! Sending you so much love and positivity, Steph

Remember to download and share this episode. 

(affiliate links for the books)