Happiness, Lifestyle, podcast, Wellness

Episode 22: Take Time To Breathe

Breath is powerful. Breath is healing. Breath is energizing.

Taking time to breathe can keep our mind, body, and soul healthy.

Benefits of doing breathing exercises:

  • It’s energizing… we are getting more oxygen to our cells and they love to binge on oxygen
  • Natural pain and mood boost… when we do breathing exercises we release more endorphins
  • Wakes up the lymph system… and helps us release all the toxins our cells are spitting out
  • Improves posture… we sit in a way that helps our breath move in and out smoothly when doing deep breathing… and this also helps build our awesome posture muscles
  • Reduces stress… taking time to just breath reduces our stress and increases our calm
  • Better sleep… I notice when I am feeling calmer, I sleep better
  • Enhanced relationships… because we are less stressed, have more energy, and are in a better mood, we are often able to be a bit more loving to those around us
  • Improved digestion… more oxygen goes to all of our cells, including those in the digestive system… therefore it works more efficiently
  • Maintain a healthy head of hair… check out this article about the benefits of deep breathing for hair growth!

The ratio to follow and increase as your lungs can do more:

  • 1 count in through your nose
  • hold for 4 counts
  • exhale for 2 counts out of your mouth
  • in this podcast episode, we breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 16, and exhale for 8

Your goal is to do 30 breaths a day!

However, you can build up to this or even break it up into multiple sets a day. Make it your practice. Let it grow and expand with you.

Let me know what you think or if you have a go-to breathing exercise.

Remember to share and subscribe to my newsletter. I’d love to have you be a part of this positive community.

Stay beautiful! Hugs, Steph