Happiness, Lifestyle, podcast

Episode 15: Friendship

Friendship is a beautiful thing.

It can also be challenging and confusing. Sometimes when we need a friend, they aren’t there and other friends stick with us through every storm we encounter.

I don’t think all friendships are created equal. Some of our friendships are deep and true. And some are really fun, yet won’t be the ones to stand through the storms or even know what to do when it starts to sprinkle.

So if you enjoy a friendship, perhaps they can be the friend that you have fun with, instead of cutting them out completely. However, if they are a friend that when you are done spending time with them, you feel really crappy, maybe it’s time to move on from them. Only you can decide.

Notice people’s patterns,

the patterns will always tell you who they are and then you need to decide to believe them or justify their behavior away.

And notice how you feel when you are with them and the moments after spending time with them.

If you don’t feel good….. well, you can tell your friend what you need and give them the opportunity to step up or you can distance yourself. Or distance yourself after you let them know what you need and they don’t respond in a positive manner to that request.

Sometimes our friends fit into categories.

These can still be phenomenal friendships. Not everybody is meant or able to meet all of our needs and expectations.

Some people are a blast but aren’t able to have deep conversations to your liking. Maybe these are the friends that you share a hobby or common interest with and you keep it at that level. That still requires a level of give and take that can still be a fantastic friendship.

Other friends are ones that whenever you are with them, you discuss the topics that pull on your body, mind, and soul and you dive deep together. These type of conversations aren’t for everyone. And that’s okay.

Some friends are fun and deep.

The bottom line, are you giving and receiving in each friendship?

Do you feel good when you are with this person?

Are you being a good friend to them?

Are you there for each other when it counts?

Can you be yourself with them?

Not every friendship is meant to last a lifetime.

Sometimes we outgrow our friends or they outgrow us. Or our lives go in different directions. Grieve the loss of your friendship and then bask in the goodness that friendship provided you. Wish that person joy, love, and peace. And be grateful for the moments you had with them.

And be a phenomenal friend to yourself.

Make sure you are nourishing the relationships that matter to you.

How about every Monday we let someone in our life know that they matter to us? Let’s tell them the difference they make in our life. That we appreciate them and you are grateful to know them and spend time with them.

I’ll do mine on Instagram @beautifullychanged if you want an example.

Have a gorgeous day! Love and hugs, Steph