Happiness, hypnosis, Lifestyle, Love, podcast, Wellness

Episode 74: Loving Yourself Hypnosis

Hey there.

Today is a bonus episode for you. I want you to begin 2019 fully loving yourself… even what you think are flaws.

This episode is a hypnosis recording for you on increasing your self-love. It even has an affirmation vibe to it.

It’s super important that you never listen to this recording while driving or operating heavy machinery (your eyes will be closed). Things to remember: you’re in control the entire time, I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, listen with headphones if possible, and have your body fully supported. It’s okay if you fall asleep while listening… it’s very relaxing so many people have this happen at first… just know that your subconscious is still listening.

Hypnosis isn’t intended to replace any medical or therapeutic treatment. Always see your doctor for medical concerns. 

Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph