Happiness, Lifestyle, podcast

Episode 20: Public Speaking Visualization

The word on the street is that public speaking is a huge fear.

Many of us will need to be in front of others sharing information at some point in our life. Why not feel confident and comfortable? Some of us, myself included, even dream of being a motivational speaker. In order to do that, we need to be able to talk and share our message in front of others.

Practice will help this.  We can practice by visualizing ourselves on a stage or in front of a conference room. Our brain and body will respond to this exercise.

This lead me to think that I could offer visualizations through my podcast on Saturdays and we could do them as a community and hopefully, our mirror neurons will kick in and will boost our confidence and calmness even more!!

However, only do the visualization when you have time to close your eyes and nothing else needs your attention.

Have a gorgeous day! You’ve got this. You can do what you set your mind to. <3

Hugs, Steph