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Episode 167: Just Show Up As You Are – Featuring Agnes Zausz

*Link at the bottom of the page to listen to the episode. Remember to share and review. Thanks!

Sex and Embodiment Coach, Agnes Zausz, joins me today.

We talk about exploring all the sides of yourself, including your sexy and fierce side along with your tender and kind side.

Agnes loves to work with women who are spending too much time in their heads and who are wanting to reconnect with the wisdom of their bodies.

You’re never going to go backwards

Anges Zausz

We also discuss:

  • Self transition – Traveling Europe
  • Staying open to possibilities and meeting people where they’re at
  • Her story of the weather and being in the moment – including your sadness – shedding what needs to be released and returning to a playful and powerful state
  • How you show up matters
  • Everything is part of the transition
  • Feeling the contrast helps you know what you really want
  • How to get out of your head and into your body
  • The beauty of virtual coaching
  • The capacity of what you can feel begins to grow as you feel safe
  • Agnes has a background in interior design
  • Client calls while walking in nature
  • Taking action on what feels safe, pleasurable, and free
  • What is a sex and embodiment coach?
  • Breathwork, meditations, conversations around desires and creating
  • Sexy and fierce vs. tender and kind
  • When less resistance comes into play
  • Don’t dismiss what is already there
  • Have a place to unravel
  • You don’t have to do it alone
  • Agnes moves to Europe after the passing of her grandfather
  • Moving through fear
  • Letting people be there for you
  • Staying in your own energy
  • Allow water to cleanse energy that you don’t want to carry with you
  • Gratitude
  • A limiting belief of thinking I’m not good enough and how she started working through that (yoga)
  • Leaving a corporate job
  • Apply the work vs. knowing what you need to do
  • You can’t go backward – you’re cells have changed with you
  • Book – The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
  • The coaching field being underrated
  • Trusting the process
  • Agnes will be providing personal experiences

Connect with Agnes

through Facebook: Agnes Zausz or Instagram: @theagneszausz

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Sending so much love to you, Steph

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PS. Did you know that I have a couple of books you can add to your reading list? Check them out by clicking here.

Enjoy 🙂