Love, podcast

Episode 153.1: Bachelor Week 1 Review Pilot Pete Takes Off

** Link to listen is at the bottom of the page.

A new season of the Bachelor has started!!! Pull up your guilty pleasure chair and glass of wine and let’s make this season’s predictions.

I decided to do a weekly review to have you to discuss this episode with because I’m sure it’s going to be a wild ride.

Everyone who is on the Bachelor is a huge romantic and looking for Big Time Love.

I’m guessing that the last three ladies standing will be: Madison, Kelly, and Hannah Ann. Who do you think it will be?

Who will be the one to stick around for the drama? I’m thinking Hannah B.

The first rose ceremony kiss count:

  • The blindfold kiss in the intros
  • Hannah Ann
  • Tammy
  • Mykenna
  • Hannah Ann
  • Hannah Ann

The first impression rose went to Hannah Ann and we all saw that coming. Though, I’m kinda a huge fan of her so I see it as a win. 🙂

I was sad to see the Miss Montana girl go since I’m a Montana girl myself.

Anyway, join me weekly for some Bachelor love. #bachelornation

PS My friend, Megan, thinks that Hannah B won’t join the house, but that Peter will try and get her back at the end of the season. What do you think?