Happiness, Love, podcast

Episode 151: Setting Expectations For Someone To Love You As You Are

** Link to listen to the podcast is at the bottom of the page

Relationships are hard (in a sense), but you don’t need to make it harder than it is by hiding who you are. That’s not fun for you or for the person you’re dating.

Dating means your looking for a relationship, a partner, someone to enjoy life with. So show up as yourself. If the person isn’t a fit, that’s okay, it may be disappointing, and that’s also okay.

The best relationships are when you can be yourself. I’ve never heard or seen otherwise.

To be accepted for who you are, you have to show up as yourself.

  1. Have an opinion on what you want to do and share your likes and dislike
  2. Be open to new experiences
  3. Create an environment of openness
  4. Don’t take away the loving actions, instead, add in more or new ones as your relationship grows.

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Sending so much love to you, Steph

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