Affirmations, Lifestyle, Resource, video, Wellness

EFT for Stress Around What To Eat

Are you trying to eat healthily but are feeling overwhelmed over what’s healthy and what isn’t? You are not alone. In fact, you are so not alone that I found an EFT script by Nick Ortner that is exactly for this.

It’s important that you are able to feel confident in your food selections. That you trust you’re nourishing your body and not harming yourself by what you are eating.

When really it doesn’t matter what you are eating if it mealtime is loaded with stress. Your emotional state while eating is super important. I want you to feel calm and love the meal process. Not fear it.

I made a video for you to follow along with me while I do the tapping process around stress and food selection.

If you aren’t sure what EFT is, let me fill you in real fast. It is also known as tapping and can basically be used for anything. I used it myself daily when I was leveling up my self-love journey.

Gary Craig put together a simple sequence that has you tap on meridian endpoints. You start by focusing on and releasing the negative thoughts and then end with positive thought tapping. It’s like acupuncture you can do on yourself, any time, anywhere.

Enjoy the journey and remember, you are always enough.

In your corner, Steph

EFT for Appreciating your body