Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, podcast

Episode 97: Circle of Friends

It’s time to take an inventory of the people you’re spending your time with.

Let’s talk about making sure you have people in your life that are uplifting you and that you’re uplifting back!

Are you and your friends:

  • Inspiring each other?
  • Showing up for each other?
  • Lifting each other up?
  • Rooting each other on?
  • There for the good times and the bad?
  • Feeling good after spending time together?
  • Helping each other achieve goals and dreams?
  • Can you guys talk to each other about anything?

If you aren’t building each other up then you must be holding each other back or trying to tear each other down. One way or both ways.

If this sounds like your friendships, it’s time to start adding in uplifting relationships! And uplifting activities, books, shows, music, podcasts…. anything you’re consuming, make sure it is uplifting you!!

“The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.” ~ Rumi

Affirmations To Attract Your Life Partner  

If you enjoy what you hear, please write a review and give me some love!

Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph