Love, Trans Women

Chris Tyson Is Trans

And I am delighted for her!

You might know Chris Tyson from Mrbeast (Jimmy Donaldson) YouTube videos. Chris has contributed so much good in this world, I am beyond happy for her to be embracing herself and letting the world in on pieces of her journey.

I’ve been following her stories on Snapchat. If you’d like to as well her handle is tysonnosyt.

I love that she is sharing her journey from male to female because she has such a large following and is likely the first trans woman that many people know or feel as though they know personally in their life.

Chris tweeted, “Informed consent HRT saved my and many others’ lives. The hurdles gnc people have to jump through to get life-saving gender-affirming healthcare in a 1st world country is wild to me. Just let people make informed decisions about their own bodies.” And I thought so many of you wonderful people could relate to that statement.

At this time, she seems to be okay with educating people about what it means to be a trans person and more. She also has a great sense of humor and perspective on people who are transphobic and isn’t letting it get to her. (I’m sure she is receiving many unpleasant messages.)

People can learn so much from her and realize that she is still the person they always loved, just more of herself. Her real self. And now we get to know her.

Hopefully, the ripple effects will be more compassion and understanding. Yet, we all know that is not Chris’ responsibility to carry.

That’s up to the individual to decide to stop being ignorant and hateful. I do truly appreciate her transparency though. I believe it will make a huge positive impact.

Her positivity and snaps are inspiring, uplifting, and informative.

If you don’t know Chris Tyson, go and follow her on whatever social platforms you’re on and give her your love and support. Let’s welcome her to the sisterhood. She is going to need all the love she can get.

Chris’ Snapchat: @tysonnosyt

Chris’ Twitter: @Christhealtgod

Chris’ Instagram: @chris_thememegod

You can watch Chris in many of MrBeast YouTube videos

If you missed this week’s YouTube recording, “Stop Sabotaging Your Male to Female Transition | Guided Meditation,” here is the link so you can check it out.

Endless Love, Steph

Remember, you matter, your life is important, you belong, you’re enough, and you make a difference.

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