Parenting, podcast, Resource

Episode 113: Breastfeeding Panel

Today, my friends, Billie, Annie, and LaNita join to discuss our different experiences with breastfeeding.

Annie shares her experience as a working mom, her husband stays home with their little one, and when she was breastfeeding it was extremely painful at first. It turned out that her little guy had a tongue tie. Once that was fixed, it improved their breastfeeding experience.

Billie shares her experience of her son having blood in his stool, needing to change pediatricians due to lack of supporting her values, and finding a way to continue to breastfeed through the extreme diet change she needed to make and trusting she was doing the right thing for her son. She is currently still actively breastfeeding.

Billie Mentions the Gentle Sleep Book

La Nita shares her experience of breastfeeding three different little ones, including tandem nursing. And her agreement to work at home while her husband works outside the home. She likes to share her smooth breastfeeding experience to encourage other mamas.

La Nita’s book, Unschooling Works.

A special thanks to my guests today! I truly appreciate you sharing your experiences with us.

Join the conversation in the comments or on Instagram.

The world needs your kind of awesome! Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph