Affirmations, Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, podcast

Episode 102: Being More Playful & Positive Affirmations

You guys it’s time to tap into your playful side! If someone is giving you a hard time for being playful, that means they need to be more playful!

And let’s take back the power from criticism. Who needs that dragging you down?

Today’s positive affirmations:

  1. I love my life fully and completely in this moment.
  2. I listen to my soul and find a way to swim in the deep end
  3. I let myself play daily
  4. I find joy in who I am
  5. I am thankful to be alive.
  6. Life provides me the path that sets me free from my limited beliefs
  7. I delight in who I am
  8. I take action daily towards who I am becoming in order to have the life I want
  9. My body loves me unconditionally and I find joy and appreciation for my body
  10. I love who I am
  11. I only take on what I can control
  12. I am grateful for the little things in life
  13. I am the butterfly my soul needs me to be
  14. I surround myself with uplifting energy
  15. The universe is bringing amazing opportunities to me
  16. Whatever feeling is coming up for me right now… I take time to love it
  17. I take time to experience the moment
  18. I steady myself with my breath and know that I will be okay
  19. I’m full of life and love
  20. I am forgiveness and love in this moment
  21. I am love.

Keep being awesome!

Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph

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