Business, Lifestyle, podcast, Resource

Episode 100: Adam Martin & Skyler Dutton

Today I have a pair of guys who are impacting a population that often gets overlooked on the forgiveness and second chances factor. But not on their watches. They’re here to inspire and let people know that it is possible to transform your life and resources are available to you.

Oh my goodness. Adam is a game changer! And I hope we can all be inspired by the work he is doing.

Skyler is also inviting and motivating people to fully face their obstacle and move through it.

About Adam Martin and the F5 Project.

Adam Martin is an unusual business owner and nonprofit founder. If you check his background, you’ll find a multi-page rap sheet that illustrates the kind of activity akin to a career felon. That’s because he was one – until a few select mentors and friends saw a community leader where most saw only a record trouble maker.

Named after the F5 “reset” button on a personal computer, the F5 Project helps all of us discover the power behind a “refresh.” Martin founded F5 in April 2016 after observing several gaps in service for individuals who were motivated to make a positive change following incarceration. The five-time felon turned entrepreneur, developed the F5 Project to provide key resources such as affordable housing, transportation, addiction recovery services, peer mentoring and job search tools. After serving time himself and seeing limited resources for those recently released from prison, Martin believed providing support immediately following incarceration would not only positively impact former offenders, but their families and communities.

Prior to his mission of creating social change, Martin served tables at a local IHOP and soon discovered his sales gifts after a technology company mentor saw his potential and later his success as an IT sales manager. In addition to the F5 Project, he’s also developed Mistake Marketing, a lead generation and sales service designed to support small businesses looking to grow their customer base.

Not afraid to prove the impossible – possible, Martin views the world from a progressive lens. “From being homeless and not knowing when I was going to eat next, to helping enterprise-level customers make strategic technology decisions every day, that’s part of the impossible,” Martin says. “Through both F5 and Mistake Marketing, it’s been rewarding to help business owners and individuals do the same, as well as change the perception for all of us who want to better our lives and our communities.”

Links to F5:

Twitter: @f5projectorg
Facebook: f5projectorg
IG: f5projectorg

About Skyler Dutton

Skyler Dutton was raised in rural Montana and pursued a career in law enforcement by earning a degree in Criminal Justice and Physical Education at Jamestown College prior to attending the Law Enforcement Training Academy in 2004. Skyler worked as a police officer for the cities of Grand Forks, ND and West Fargo, ND in his 9 year career. He also spent time as a volunteer firefighter. While working as a police officer, Skyler became a certified drug recognition expert giving him an advanced understanding of drug impairment and recognition, as well as firsthand experience interacting with people under the influence.  Skyler has experience working as a health, safety & environmental manager and logistics coordinator in the North Dakota Bakken, as well as experience as a full time trainer for the North Dakota Safety Council where his diverse background earned him credentials to teach many of the National Safety Council’s programs as well as multiple other courses, several of which he developed including Opioid Awareness, Reasonable Suspicion, and Worker Fatigue.

Inspired and motivated by the destruction he’s seen and felt from alcohol abuse, Skyler focuses his efforts on educating audiences regarding the risks, dangers and concerns of drug and alcohol impairment at home and in the workplace.

You can email Skyler for speaking events at

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Have an awesome day.

Sending love and positivity your way, Steph