Happiness, Love, Resource

What To Do When She Comes Home From Work Mad

Have you ever felt clueless about what to do when your lady comes home mad because of something that happened at work?

You want to fix the situation but that only seems to make it worse. Well, my friend, I’m here to help you out. I’ve made a little guide for you to help you out when she comes home from work and she is mad.

Follow this guide so she can vent and release instead of taking her frustrations out on you.

Lead with compassion and don’t worry if she looks at you like you’re an alien at first. This will be new to her as well.

Play with this guide a few times to see what works for your coupleness and then do that more.

What To Do When She Comes Home Mad Because Of Work – Guide

  • Greet her warmly. Example: “Hey babe. Tell me about your day.”
  • Get two cups of tea or two glasses of wine (depending on her style)
  • Sit down at the table with your two glasses 
  • Slightly lean in towards her and you listen
  • You will be tempted to interrupt and fix the perceived problem. DO NOT DO THIS. STICK TO LISTENING.
  • Acknowledge her feelings. Repeat them back to her. For example, “that would be frustrating to have someone talk to me that way.”
  • You are TEAMING UP WITH HER against whatever it is that upset her. You’re on the same team as her feelings (it doesn’t matter right now if you would have the same reaction to the incident she is telling you about.) There will be no problem-solving at this point, if even. Just being on her team. Validate her feelings.
  • AFTER validating and she hears you understanding her. You can ask, “What do you think you’ll do?” And then you support her.
  • Bottom line. She wants to vent and be heard by you.
  • If she asks you, “what would you do in this situation?” Then you can offer your wisdom. Otherwise, in this moment she only wants your heart. Wisdom can wait.
  • Hug her and thank her for talking to you.

Give this a try and let me know how it went @beautifullychanged

Sending so much love your way, Steph

PS. If you do this and it doesn’t work. Ask her how she would like you to show up for her on days when she comes home mad because of something that happened at work. And then, do that.