Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

8/90 How Do You Feel About Leftovers?

Sleepy town is my jam today. Haha.

Today was all about leftovers. Fun fact? I only started eating leftovers a couple of years ago and it’s still a rare occasion thing for me to do.

It used to drive my dad nuts back in high school. I just couldn’t do it. I literally used to be the pickiest eater. For reals. I didn’t know anyone picker.

I mean, I would have much rather been the fastest runner, but we don’t always get to pick our gifts. haha

Anyway, today’s meals:

Breakfast and lunch was leftover broccoli cheese soup but not soup sprinkled with chili flakes and topped with avocado.

I had a Lara Bar for my snack. Seriously, loving them. I remember trying them years ago and not being a fan. I was so hesitant to buy them this time. The 10 for $10 and being super hungry sold me. And now I want to keep them on hand as a snack all the time. So good.

And for dinner, I had more of that chocolate chia pudding. I made a fresh batch this am. And dang. So good. Topped it with a banana, strawberries, and cacao nibs. Mmmmmmmmmmm…. seriously, making it again this week.

Well, Awesome Sauce, I am about to get ready for bed. My pillow is calling me. 🙂

Sending so much love your way, Steph

P.S. I’m reading Shoe Dog. Super interesting story so far. Have you read it?