Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

2/90 |Feeling Happy & Motivated

I gotta say, I’m feeling super stoked to be eating foods without refined sugar in them. So STOKED.

One reason, because I KNOW it will help lower the symptoms of my PCOS. I know this because anytime I have cleaned up my eating in the past, the feel-goods follow.

And this is awesome. Because when I’m ovulating, my right side of my stomach swells up, for reals, my stomach looks lopsided, and it comes with intense pain for several days.

That alone could have made me decide to go sugar-free years ago. But I had the mindset that I just HAD to try every sweet that I possibly could simply because it’s vegan.

Plus, when I was in college, my doctor informed me that I don’t digest sugar properly and that leads even more not so awesome things and feels. Why did I keep putting my body through that?!

Have you ever continued to do something KNOWING you’d feel better if you stopped?

Day 2 Rundown

I’ve found it to be so easy BECAUSE I have enough food in the house already to fill me up that doesn’t have sugar in it. I think that will be a key aspect of this 90-day journey to be successful.

Duly noted.

I may have stayed up a little too late last night playing “two dots” on my phone. Haha. My body felt a bit tired today.

And even though my body was tired, I went for a morning jog (a little over a mile) with the boys. Makaio took his scooter and Keoni and I run with him. It’s an awesome start to the day and one reason why I LOVE homeschooling.

When we got home I did some stretching, the day 11 of the blogilates 100 glute challenge and my pull-ups and assisted pull-ups.

My body definitely felt tired today and it showed in my pull-ups. Last Wednesday I felt super strong and did 4 pull-ups, today I tuckered out at 2.5. And my 100 assisted took me pushing myself to finish.

However, I still nailed my two daily health goals for the day: no refined sugar and 12,000 steps. So yay for that.

Okay, so what did I eat today?

1st meal: was a simple grapefruit and a smoothie. PS. It was a HUGE accomplishment in my world when I could eat a grapefruit WITHOUT sugar. 🙂

The smoothie included: bananas, frozen strawberries, one date, spirulina, protein powder, barley grass powder, and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It tasted good even though it didn’t look pretty.

I made enough to share with Keoni. He always gets the bigger serving, which makes sense since he is 100 pounds more than me. 😛

I’ve never been that big into protein powder, but Keoni was needing more protein in his day and I can only eat so much tofu or beans, so protein powder it is. And I add a scoop to our morning smoothie (when I remember).

2nd meal: 2 black bean quinoa veggie burgers, green beans, and a handful of the same kind of chips I ate yesterday. I seasoned the green beans and burgers with some sea salt and garlic powder (pretty much do that for everything). I drank some green tea with lunch.

Keoni has a deep love for chips, so it’s important I find a way to include them from time to time or it’s heartbreak city.

We hadn’t tried these veggie burgers before but Fry’s had a big sale on them so we bought 5 boxes to try the different ones. These ones were really good. I’d get them again.

3rd Meal: Makaio loves to help me in the kitchen any chance he can get. And he is obsessed with freezing things. We decided to make frozen treats the other day. Simple ingredients of peanut butter, bananas, and unsweetened almond milk blended together and then put in a popsicle mold.

Today I had one of these yummy treats with some celery dipped in peanut butter with a matcha green tea. Matcha is simple a scoop mixed with unsweetened almond milk.

4th Meal: Super simple. I had leftover rice and leftover cabbage, so I thought I’d saute them together and sprinkle with sunflower seeds and Tobasco sauce. Not my favorite meal ever, but it was okay. Definitely not a MUST TRY. haha.

It doesn’t look pretty, but I’m full. So it’s a win.

And then I drank water all day long.

*Water and green tea is what I drink throughout the day, every day. I’ve never liked to add any sweetener to my tea, so no transition needs to happen there.

And just a fun share. You know when you become a parent and you say things that never crossed your mind would ever come out of your mouth or your child says something that never crossed your mind you’d hear someone say.

Today, I had one of those moments with Makaio. He loves to play with tape. Seriously, no need to ever get this kid toys. Tape and glue and you have the happiest kid ever.

Anyway, we’re hanging out and he is taping things to his cars and then he says, “Mom, can I tape you to the wall and then save you?”

“Um, sure bud. That sounds like fun. Where should I stand.”

haha. He cracks me up.

I’m yelling for help. 🙂

Well, my friend, day 2 felt like a success overall. My mood feels happy and motivated. Cheers to that!

Love to you! Steph