Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

1/90 Days Refined Sugar-Free

Back in January someone I love deeply, was basically told she was knocking on the door of diabetes. She needed to cut out sugar and this would be hard for her. I wanted to show my support. And Keoni is pretty much game for anything, so we decided to cut out sugar as well.

I did use some pure maple sugar every once in a while in my matcha because we still had a bottle. Other than that, no other sweetener was allowed into my mouth. Once we ran out of the maple syrup, we didn’t buy it again.

We didn’t have a plan for how long. Just that we wanted to do it. And we went strong up until the end of February when we traveled to go to a friend’s wedding.

On that vacation, we ended up going back to eating whatever, as long as it was vegan of course.

But dang did I feel so good when I was eating no refined sugar. Like I was high vibing so hard. It was phenomenal. And I want that back because it left once I reintroduced sugar back into my life.

Since my birthday was this past weekend and I turned 38, I decided I wanted to actually feel really healthy and strong. Plus, I’m super curious how hard it would be for me to get some ab definition at this point in my life.

What would it take and for how long?

I truly believe that in order to get the most out of my mind, body, soul journey, I need to be challenging myself along the way.

Pushing myself just outside my comfort zone so I can grow and expand and serve others on a higher level.

And I recently decided I was going to see what would happen if I did 100 assisted pull-ups 6 days a week. So far, I’ve already added on 3 pull-ups and now I can do 4. And this was only in a couple of weeks. That’s pretty sweet. What else can I do?

So now I am curious, what would happen if I went refined sugar-free for 90 days? Best believe I’m still going to be eating fruit. Plus, I’m on a budget.

Perhaps you’d like to follow along on my journey and if so inspired, join in with me. I plan to journal every day for the 90-days to share what I ate and whatever else I experience along the way.

Maybe I’ll only do this for 90 days or maybe it will turn into a new lifestyle for me.

I was watching a TED talk the other day (Love those! Hope to be on there one day myself.) and Benjamin was talking about how it’s easier when you 100% committed to something instead of 98% commit. Because once you commit 100%, the decision is already made on what you’ll do when a situation comes up.

That Ted Talk was called The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life by Benjamin Hardy.

Could be that I go all in and make this a lifestyle change. Maybe my body will change, maybe it won’t. I do know that no refined sugar will increase my health and energy.

Day 1: Feeling Motivated

The first day is always pretty easy. No cravings, well, because it’s day one! And I had lots of healthy food in the house and not really anything in the house that had sugar in it ( we ate all the sugary foods this past birthday weekend).

Always easier without temptations when creating a new habit. Not that I won’t have temptations thrown at me all the time. After all, I am married to Keoni, and he loves food. All types of foods.

I’ll just have to be a label reading ninja and say no to anything with sugar in it. Because that choice is on me and no one else. Support makes it easier, but not necessary.

Here’s what I ate today. Please note that I eat until full and then stop.

This was my first meal of the day. Stir fry with tempeh and lots of veggies. Added avocado halfway through and matcha made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

And then for my snack, I had one whole cucumber sprinkled with tajin and a cup of hibiscus green tea.
And for dinner, I had a big handful of chips with two veggies burgers topped with garlic hummus and avocado. I sprinkled some sea salt and garlic salt on top of the avocado. I drank water with dinner.

I feel full and satisfied. Today, I didn’t miss sugar. I had a very productive day working on my blog and podcast. I even did this learning program that I have the honor of getting to be part of the beta testing for.

Keoni and I have the week split up. I get Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays to work on my stuff. He gets Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. And Saturdays are for no work and all play. So I do what I can to make the most of that productivity time and today, I nailed it.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. Feel free to ask questions or engage with me on this journey. My plan is to journal every day of this 90-day journey to hopefully create an awesome habit for myself.

I’m sharing it because it can be hard to imagine living a sugar-free lifestyle by itself, but I’m also practicing a vegan lifestyle and on a budget. So none of this is convenient. Haha. But totally doable.

So I’m sharing to feel supported, to support you if you’re interested, and to show what I actually eat. I’ll also share in my last post on day 90 if my body changed at all.

Have a beautiful day, Champ. I’m always rooting for you.

Sending so much love your way, Steph

PS. What part of this journey are you most interested in me sharing about?