Lifestyle, podcast

Episode 127: What Work-Life Balance Looks Like For Me

I have many roles that I play in a day and I like to give each one some attention on a daily basis. I do this by planning small actionable steps in each category or role that matters to me.

For example: I include my family in a morning walk, I text at least one friend a day to see how they’re doing, I spend a few minutes meditating, I make a healthy meal, I spend time reading a book with my son, take a minute to hug my husband and ask about his day, I read a bit, I post content of some sort on my social media.

All of these actions are with intention. And then, of course, the rest of the day is filled with other tasks mostly for my family. And lots of playtime.

What do you do to help with balance in your life?

Have a lovely day. Sending so much love your way, Steph