Love, Parenting, podcast, Resource, Wellness

Episode 108: Lindsay Funk White, The Journey Of Medulloblastoma

Please give some love to today’s guest, Lindsay Funk White. She comes on and shares her families story of when they’re now 9 year-old daughter, Cydney, was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma at age 7 and where she is now.

Lindsay is the mom of three beautiful kiddos and her husband serves our country in the military. Being a military family, they have lived in several different cities and countries over the past 16 years.

Just 5 months after moving to Tucson for her husbands newest assignment, Cydney was diagnosed at age 7 with Medulloblastoma, a brain tumor.

She has been through surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and more over the last 20 months.

The family faced the journey with a positive attitude, finding the joy in each day through all of the trails and challenges.

You can follow their story at

Thank you for listening! Remember to share this story with someone who needs to hear it.

Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph