Happiness, Lifestyle, podcast, Wellness

Episode 84: Resolutions and You

Remember as you are working towards your resolutions….

  • It’s not your job to please everyone
  • It’s not your job to never disappoint anyone
  • If you really made a decision to do or not do something, that is your resolution – this is a non-negotiable
  • You can have flexibility around your how you’ll accomplish your resolution
  • It’s your time as soon as you say it is
  • Once you make a decision, your choices will match it so that you’ll be successful
    • If your choices aren’t lining up with your goals, you made a decision to stay the same
  • Find people to surround yourself with that support your goals and resolutions

You’ve got this. I’m on your team as well.

Sending so much love and positivity your way, Steph