Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

How To Focus Your Attention

You’ve decided there is a goal you’re eager to achieve, yet distractions keep stealing your attention.

Perhaps your ability to ignore distractions seems to be getting worse rather than better. And before you know it months have passed and you’re only a few steps closer to your goal. How disappointing. The struggle is real.

What the heck is going on and how can you speed up the process of reaching your goal? Wouldn’t it be nice to get rid of the cravings for distractions? If increasing your productivity is more important than ever to you…  I’ve got good news and bad news.

The good news is you can. The bad news, it’s going to take some effort in creating new habits.

I know, I know, wouldn’t it be nice to have a magic pill that made is so no effort was involved? Sure it would. Though, until someone creates that pill, I have some habits and tips instead.

First, put your phone down away from you with the volume off, take a moment by yourself, and sit somewhere facing a blank wall with a notebook and pen.

Seriously, take the time to answer these questions. It is part of the process. Do it now and save time later.
  1. Now, what is your intention?
  2. What is the desired outcome?
  3. What made you go after this goal to begin with?
  4. What is going to be different about your life when you reach this goal?
  5. How will your life change once this goal is accomplished?
  6. What worries you about achieving this goal? Be honest, this is for your eyes only.
  7. What excites you about achieving this goal?
  8. Is there anything you are enjoying about the process and journey to this goal?
  9. What are your distractions? You must first identify what the obstacles are that keep you from concentrating. If you can’t ID them then you can’t solve them!
  10. What triggers the desire to reach for these distractions? Is it emotional? Bored, overwhelmed, tired, stressed, grumpy?
  11. How do you feel once you start doing something that supports reaching your goal?
  12. Think about when you have been working on this goal in the past, when have you done your best work? How and when you do specific tasks can make huge differences in your productivity and get you closer to a state of hyper-focus that can really make a difference. You have already seen this in play. Use that information to your advantage.
  13. Has it has always been clear to you that the right music effects everything that you do? What music fits best for when you are working on this goal? What songs would make a great playlist for you?
  14. How do you normally spend your downtime?
  15. How much time do you need to spend on your downtime activities to feel satisfied?
  16. How can you apply what you just learned about yourself into taking action towards your goal?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions for a deeper understanding of you. You did very well. High fives!!

Let’s talk about downtime and if it really is the enemy or if it can be used as a tool.

Many people increase their craving for distraction as soon as they say they “can’t” do something or have something. If you have a game that you love to play or a show that brings you joy. Allow yourself time for this.

Perhaps you set time aside each week to enjoy this vice. You don’t have to go all or nothing. This may take some strengthening of your impulse muscle. And you do this by setting and honoring your limits. Keep in mind that if you know that you need to play or watch for an hour to feel satisfied, then allow that time instead of giving yourself a 30-minute time limit. Because your focus will still be on that activity anyway until you’re satisfied.

It’s like when you want to eat something and you think about it until you get it. So just start with the hour. And then when the hour is up, move on to something else that takes you closer to your goal.

There are times when you might not want to work on your goal during the time you scheduled for yourself.

On these days, think about when you haven’t wanted to work out or go do something and you ended up feeling great afterward and are really glad you did it.

These are the times you have to push through. You can move as slow or as fast as you’d like to your goal. The bottom line, are you making decisions that take you closer or farther away from your goals?

Think to yourself, “I’m going to go and work on __________.” Then count down from 5 and then go and do it. Sigh if you have to on your way. Jump on a trampoline if you need to beforehand or in the middle.

The jumping on the trampoline can really work. I even had my husband try it the other day. He was studying for his business law class and began to resemble a zombie. He said it was sooo boring. So I set up a station for him. I put the laptop on the counter and the mini trampoline next to it. And encouraged him to jump for a few minutes while listening to the video. He was instantly uplifted once he got that first jump in.

Set up goal triggers for yourself.

Make yourself a motivational sign and put it on the wall near your office, on the door, your mirror, on the fridge, or anywhere that is the most appropriate place to remind you of your goal and why this goal exists in the first place.

What is your goal?

How can you set up reminders at home or work or where ever is appropriate to remind you to take action?

For example, you want to eat healthier by adding more fruit to your diet. You could get yourself a fruit bowl and place 7 pieces of fruit in the bowl on Sunday, knowing that you have until Saturday night at 8 pm to eat all of the pieces. You set the bowl on the counter next to your coffee pot (or whatever you already do in the kitchen that is a habit). This will remind you to grab a piece of fruit and eat it when you go by. Only put fruit that you actually like in the bowl.

Or you are working on your degree and hate homework, but know it needs to be done. Set 3 reminders on your phone throughout the day that you will study at 8 pm tonight for one hour. It’s getting your mind ready for what’s ahead. Just like when you have to tell a strong-willed child that they have 15 minutes left, then 10 and then 5 at the park before they need to leave.

Take care of your emotional health.

Get yourself a prostitute. hahahaha… just kidden. That’s bad advice. Just making sure you are paying attention.

So back to emotional health. A distraction isn’t helping you work through the emotion. It is distracting you from the emotion.

These are some things you actually have control over that can assist in emotional health:

  • What is under the emotion? What is causing it? What can you actually do about it for your well begin? Do you need to have an uncomfortable conversation or would changing your attitude, expectations, or perspective be enough?
  • Take a day off if you need to, a rest day is good. You can get back at it tomorrow.
  • Make time to play and laugh.
  • Make sure you are getting quality rest, even if you aren’t sleeping for 8 hours, how can you make sure those 5 hours count?
  • Are you eating food that helps you feel awesome or heavy and sluggish?
  • If you aren’t having sex enough with your partner, make time to masturbate.
  • Do some breathing exercises. Multitask if need be. If you can masturbate in the shower, you can do breathing exercises on the toilet or when you crawl into bed at night.


Hold up girl, there is no way you are going to tell me to stop drinking my caffeine. Nope. Not going to to do that.

I hear you. Caffeine can help make your world go round… until you drink too much of it. And then it starts to hinder you. Especially if you struggle with reading comprehension, focus, and distractions to begin with, too much caffeine makes it worse.

I know, super sad face. The good news, you don’t have to cut it out. Instead, reduce how much caffeine you drink in the day so that you get the benefits and not the pain.

What’s the golden range you ask? Do your best to not go over 400 milligrams a day, thanks, Mayo Clinic!

Make a focus playlist.

Music can aid you in your ability to focus. Thank goodness technology has our back with this. Make yourself a playlist that will help you focus on whatever task you need to do.

Make several playlists if you must. One for chores, studying, working out, and one for working on that project you have to do.

Music helps create an environment that will support focus. It helps block out distracting noise around you or at least push it to the background.

You may find that the best music to support your focus will be instrumental. When you put on your favorite songs that you like to sing along with… well that is exactly what you’ll start doing. The lyrics will interrupt your concentration. So play around with what instrumental music supports your focus best.

You could even play the same song over and over if you’d like. Baroque classical music might provide you the biggest win.

Focus on one thing at a time.

It’s so tempting to fall into the temptation of multitasking. However, if you really want to get something done with your highest quality, focus on one thing at a time.

And allow yourself a set amount of time for that task. This means that during that block of time you’ll only focus on this one thing. It has your undivided attention. Can you feel the quality about to take place?

Turn your phone off,  leave it in a different room, or heck if you’re that attached put it in a lockbox during your focused time.

Give yourself breaks or little rewards.

Let’s say you have to do something that you aren’t super stoked about. Plan little awards. After you do ______ for 45 minutes you get a 15-minute break to do _____.  Or after you complete a chapter you get to ________.

Take a short walk outside as a quick refresher after a set amount of time or a task is completed.

Be good to yourself while being accountable to your life and goals.

Remember why you are doing this to begin with.

Remind yourself why you are working on this project or goal, to begin with. Encourage yourself. You can do hard things. Be gentle with yourself. If you messed up and spent the time playing around instead of focusing, do your best tomorrow. Forgive yourself and move on. You’ll have another opportunity to accomplish your plan. Your goal will be waiting for you as long as it takes you to get there.

Focus is a muscle that you’ll need to strengthen. You’ve got this.

Sending you so much love and positivity. Your goal matters or you wouldn’t have started to reach for it. You may just be three feet away. So keep going.

xoxoxo, steph