Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, podcast

Episode 29: Feel Your Feelings

“Knock knock.”  “Who is it?”  “Your feelings…..” (door slams)… “um hello? I’m still here….”

My sweet friend, it is time we start to feel our feelings. We cannot continue to hide from them and live our life fully.

Happiness is right inside you, next to all of the other feelings you experience. And everyone feels all these feelings. You are not alone in feeling uncomfortable or awkward at times. We all feel that way. And we can all tap into the happiness, the joy, that lives in us too.

It is so important to feel your emotions and then move through them. Do not dwell on them or hang onto them, just let them come and go, just like the waves in the ocean.

Life is going to provide us with pleasure and pain. We must meet both of them. We do this by living in the present and staying in the present even when pain or pleasure shows up. Even when they are uninvited and look rather scary.

We can do hard things. You can do hard things. And meeting your feelings is one of them.

You’ve got this. You are enough. You are loved. You are worthy.

I wish happiness for you, Steph

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