Challenges, Lifestyle, Wellness

28 Day Trampoline Challenge

Hey hey hey! Let’s do some good for our mind, body, and soul! Who is with me?

Let’s do a 28-day trampoline challenge.

If you need to, get your doc’s okay and then let’s get to jumping!

What’s with trampolining/rebounding?

Not only is it a fun way to move our bodies, but we also get a lot of awesome benefits (so I’ve read) from jumping up and down. Oh, and we can watch TV if we wanted to while doing it!

  • It gets our Lymphatic System flowing! That’s right. Our lymphatic system needs us to move our body in order to work. Our body is the pump to get it moving. Rebounding is a fantastic way to get this going.
  • Helps us detoxify. The lymphatic system helps us move out all the toxins our cells are releasing. So when we rebound, we are getting rid of the nasty stuff floating around our cells.
  • Fantastic way to get rid of cellulite. Thank goodness!! I am a recent owner of cellulite and I’d like to return it! I noticed that the past few years since I haven’t been walking as much… cellulite has moved in. I am going to kick it out with some rebounding.
  • Tones you up.
  • I find it to be energizing. After I am rebounding for a few minutes, I feel way more energized.
  • This article shares 51 benefits of rebounding. So that’s pretty great.

What we will do:

Let’s start on Friday, September 28th. This way everyone gets time to get a trampoline and get their doctors okay if need be.

I will be doing my rebounding live on Instagram @beautifullychanged

Let’s do the first 21 days doing the Jamba run for 20 minutes and chat while we are doing it and then the last 7 days just rebounding.


I have a mini Gold’s Gym trampoline. That looks like this one. I got mine at Walmart I believe (Target didn’t have one). However, you can always order online with good ol’ Amazon. Or get whichever one floats your boat. They can get pretty spendy. I do plan to eventually get the cellercise one as I would like to bring it with me when I travel. I want this to be something I do daily.

Plus my little guy LOVES to jump on it! Bonus!!