Happiness, hypnosis, Love

Letting Go Of Love

Ending a relationship can be one of the hardest things we ever do.

Especially when we are crazy in love with someone, but know they are not the right person for us. Especially when they continue to do something that hurts our heart.

And it doesn’t have to be malicious. But unthoughtfulness adds up. And eventually, the cost is too high. Even if every time we see them, we want to rip their clothes or just hold them. Be close to them. Talk to them. Be with them. Sometimes, we just have to let go.

Or the times when someone is such a lovely person, yet you don’t feel that pull towards them. You don’t want to hurt them, but it does hurt them when you stay when your heart wants to go. It’s time to go.

There are also times when we know we need to end the fantasy of having someone that we can’t have.

We hold on to this person hoping with everything that someday they will get it and will come running to us saying they realized we are the one. This day may never happen. And what if they did and it turned out they weren’t the right fit anyway? All that time and opportunities… gone.

This hypnosis is for you.

I wrote it with the idea in mind of helping you let go of this love, move forward, and make room for a new and more fitting love. The story of your life does not end with this love. New adventures await and your heart is ready to heal, move on, and dance in love.


Also, here is a link to a hypnosis on calling back your heart after a breakup.


Sending so much love your way.
