Challenges, Happiness, Lifestyle, Love


What would happen if every day we thought about and wrote down five to ten things we are grateful for?

I’m ready to find out! Are you? Let’s see how it shifts us on a mind, body, and soul level, if at all. On July 8th (who needs to start on the 1st anyway), I am going to begin writing in a gratitude journal EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And I am gonna do it live on Instagram @beautifullychanged at 11am CST DAILY until August 6th! Would you like to do it with me? Let’s take the #DailyGratitudeChallenge!!!


Every day we will be focusing on a topic to express gratitude around. Some days may be easier than others. I am going to get myself a journal to write in. You may want to do the same, use a notebook you already have or heck, use a handy dandy app on your phone.

  1. Things in general
  2. Items in your house
  3. Specific people in your life
  4. The World
  5. Things you’ve learned
  6. Drink and food items you love
  7. Your life goals and dreams that you have accomplished or would like to
  8. Kind things you have done for others
  9. Things you have been able to buy that you appreciate it.
  10. Places you have traveled to (including places you have been to in your own town)
  11. Any movies, books, tv shows, songs, video games that have touched your life
  12. Bills you have been able to pay
  13. Emotions that you have felt
  14. Mistakes/lessons learned
  15. Your personality
  16. Kind things others have done for you
  17. Your body
  18. Your partner (or if you are single, what you would be grateful a future partner provided)
  19. What you offer your partner (or future partner)
  20. Special days of the year
  21. Technology
  22. Money
  23. Yourself
  24. People
  25. Habits
  26. Career
  27. Health
  28. Things that make you laugh
  29. The toughest (or top 3) thing you have been through
  30. Everything else

But first, let’s figure out where we are today in a few areas,

and then see where we are in 30 days. We will do this by thinking of a scale and where we would place ourselves on that scale. 10 being the best it could be and 1 being the worst it could be. Do this before you begin the challenge and again at the end of the challenge.


  1. Feelings of happiness
  2. Feeling sexy/attractive
  3. Feeling positive about your financial situation
  4. Feeling positive about your relationships
  5. Feeling positive about your current life

You can also add in a category to scale of your own so that you are personalizing this to fit your experience.


Keep in mind, even if we move up half a number… that is progress in the right direction!! Progress is essential to feeling good!

Gratitude is very powerful when it comes to our mindset and what we manifest in our journey here on Earth. Let’s strengthen our gratitude muscle and enhance our lives.

Let’s do this!! See all you cuties on Sunday morning. 🙂

Much Love,
