Happiness, Wellness

The Happy Light Takes On The Rainy Season

Happy Light vs. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Okay, you guys… I am a sun girl. I truly think I need the sunshine to thrive. So moving to the Pacific Northwest has definitely influenced my cheerful spunk.

And yes, I have had times in my life when I felt sad. However, this always coincided with a situation that would make sense that I would have the blues.

But I never experienced the “winter blues” and it took me by surprise. I had been living in Phoenix, Arizona for 10 years before moving to the Portland area. So I had a steady dose of sunshine and that good ol’ vitamin D. Within weeks of moving to the Portland area my vitamin D levels were extremely low (I went for a physical because I like preventive care).

And we moved at the end of February. Which reminds me – happy 3 years in Oregon!!

My Winter Blues

My winter blues hit me unexpectedly. I wasn’t diagnosed with SAD, however, I felt different. I am usually the most cheerful and positive person I know (and that other’s know to be honest). And all of a sudden it was like I was hit with a wall that zapped me of all my energy and motivation.

And I was feeling so snappy (sorry Keoni!) and that felt terrible. Though situationally I was going through a few other things after I was living here for a year. I had to get a LEEP procedure done and for some reason, my hip flexor got all crazy and I could barely walk like I used to.

However, crappy things happen all the time and they never stole my joy for more than a short period of time. I am quick to get back on my feet.

Yet for some reason, I was feeling frumpy physically and emotionally. And the rainy season made it really hard for me. The first year here was magical (not that much rain). But the second year was really, really hard. So much rain. And very few days of sun. I think it was like a handful of sunny days in about 4 months. Not enough sun for this girl.

Hello HappyLight

So for our third year here, I decided I was going to try light therapy and this lead me to get a HappyLight. I have the HappyLight Compact (it fits perfect on my desk).  And let me tell you. I am loving it. This year hasn’t been as rainy as last, yet it is still very cloudy. And I feel great. The frumpy feeling has hit the road.

happy light, SAD, light therapy, Winter blueshappy light

I have added the HappyLight into my daily routine using it daily for 10 minutes and then would increase the length of time as the weeks passed. The past few weeks, I haven’t been using it daily, but I do use it often.  When I hop on my computer to do some work or when reading a book, I just turn on the HappyLight and I leave it on between 10 and 60 minutes.

I haven’t felt any negative effects from it, such as a headache or anything. I do enjoy it. It is actually warming as well. (I am using it right now as I type out this blog post)

I definitely think this is a great tool to add to your day if you are feeling a bit off during the cloudy season. I know I will be keeping a HappyLight around in my home. Especially as long as I live in Oregon.

For those of you who are interested in trying one out for yourself, use code LIGHT15 receive a 15% discount off any HappyLight and your entire order through Dec 31, 2018.


*I did receive this product to review. My opinions are my own.