Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

9/90 & 10/90 My Goal Is To Add Value To Your Day

Awesome Sauce, thanks for being so patient with the delay on yesterday’s post.

I decided to spend the evening watching a movie with my close friend. We are 1,310 miles apart now. Which is actually much closer than last year.

For about 2.5 years we spent almost every single Tuesday together for a few hours.

And then we moved. I miss her a lot. So she suggested we watch a Netflix movie together. It was fun. We hit play at the same time, she paused her end so I could catch up with my little guy needed help with something, and we sent comments to each other through texts while watching the movie.

It was great.

So after an awesome dinner date with friends on Monday, movie night with my soul-sister last night, and friends coming over tomorrow for a play date, I’m feeling jazzed.

I fixed some of the copy on my website. Have several meditations up on insight timer, have 6 podcast interviews lined up for next week, a client session, and have a dinner date planned with friends from grad school.

And I’m up to 211 subscribers on YouTube. I’m thankful for every single one. I’m also super grateful for you and taking the time to read this and for wherever else you connect with me.

It’s fair to say I’m feeling pretty fantastic and hella productive. And it’s been 10 days with NO refined sugar. Woo hoo!!!

Okay, so let’s get into the food. Pretty much the same guys. So we’re sticking with healthy foods on a budget.

Why on a budget? Well, Keoni’s job doesn’t give him 40 hours a week like he was promised and I work part-time. Like super part-time.

I don’t make any money from the content I provide on any platform (at least not yet, perhaps in the future). It’s just me hoping to offer you some value in your day.

And that is why we eat a lot of the same things. Inexpensive and healthy. We both have the goal of one day being able to go to the grocery store and not needing to care or check how much is in the bank.

Can you relate or at one point in your life?

And this is also how I know money isn’t needed for happiness. Because I’m really blissed out. However, money is part of my badass team that I’m creating.

I was watching one of the Women of Impact YouTube videos and this one guest said in order to work on her relationship with money, she’d go on dates with her bank account.

So I’ll be flirting with mine later. haha. But for reals. I’m diving into my limiting beliefs around money and working through that ish. I’ve got some big dreams to accomplish. And it’s going to take money to make them happen. So money is now one of my new besties. We love each other.

PS. I fully understand and acknowledge that even though my family is on a budget, we still eat better than many many many people around the world, including America.

Anyway, Awesome Sauce, I got way off-topic. Here is what I ate for the last two days.

Breakfast: Smoothies of course. Yesterday was protein powder, yogurt, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and blueberries.

Today was bananas, blueberries, spinach, spirulina, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, barley grass powder, and chia seeds.

Lunch: yesterday I had a black bean burger cut up on top of spinach, rice, avocado and topped with salsa. Sprinked with nutritional yeast.

Today was stirfry with air fried tofu.

Snack time: yesterday was another Lara bar and today was the last two popsicles made from almond butter, banana, and unsweetened almond milk.

Dinner time: I love dinner time. Yesterday was a glass of wine with some stirfry.

Today was two black rice burgers with a side of rice noodles and tomatoes. I put salsa on one of the black rice burgers because I went back for seconds. And I used the same plate. Who am I? haha

Fry’s is quickly becoming one of my favorite stores. The food we buy is actually on sale there. Maybe because no one is buying it? Not sure, but super happy that I’ve been able to get in on the savings.

There we have it. Feeling good.

I hope you’re having a lovely week. It’s time to snuggle up and read bedtime stories with my little guy.

Sending so much love your way, Steph